At Impact of Health, we uphold the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and transparency in our editorial practices. Our commitment is to provide our readers with trustworthy, evidence-based information on health, nutrition, fitness, beauty, and wellness topics. This Editorial Policy outlines the principles and guidelines that govern our content creation process.

Accuracy and Objectivity

We are dedicated to accuracy in every piece of content we publish. Our writers and editors conduct thorough research from credible sources and strive to present information in a clear, unbiased manner. We verify facts, statistics, and claims to ensure their accuracy before publication.

Evidence-Based Content

Our content is based on scientific evidence, expert opinions, and reputable sources. We prioritize information from peer-reviewed journals, academic institutions, and established health organizations. When presenting medical or health-related advice, we aim to convey the current consensus within the scientific community.

Expert Review

All articles undergo review by qualified professionals with expertise in relevant fields, such as medicine, nutrition, fitness, psychology, and more. Our editorial team includes medical doctors, registered dietitians, fitness trainers, and other healthcare professionals who assess the accuracy, clarity, and relevance of each piece of content.


We are transparent about the sources of our information and any potential conflicts of interest. When referencing studies or data, we provide citations and links to the original sources whenever possible. If an article features sponsored content or affiliate links, we clearly disclose this information to our readers.


Impact of Health maintains editorial independence and does not allow advertisers or sponsors to influence our content. Advertisements displayed on our website are clearly marked as such and are separate from our editorial content. Our editorial decisions are guided solely by our commitment to providing valuable and reliable information to our readers.

Corrections and Updates

In the event of errors or inaccuracies in our content, we promptly correct the information and provide transparent explanations for the correction. We also regularly review and update our articles to reflect new research findings, changes in guidelines, or emerging trends in the health and wellness field.

User Feedback

We value feedback from our readers and encourage open dialogue. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our content, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your input helps us improve the quality and relevance of our articles and ensures that we continue to meet the needs of our audience.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Editorial Policy or concerns about our content, please contact us at We are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity and serving as a trusted resource for health information.